Enriching life through 艺术.

The William Carey Dep艺术ment of 艺术 offers a framework of courses, 重点研究, 实习, and exhibition experiences, designed to guide you toward achieving excellence in your creative pursuits. 校友 are doing well in teaching, in working studios, and graphic design businesses.


Unlock Your Creative Potential with the William Carey 艺术 Dep艺术ment: Where Passion Meets Personalized Mentorship

  • 特色 20-25个艺术专业, we offer a friendly community of students working as 艺术ists and designers.
  • 而自豪 8:1 Student to 教师 ratio, we give students the opportunity to work closely with experienced faculty members who are trained 艺术ists in the field.
  • 包含 class sizes of 10 students or less 平均, we ensure students have access to personalized instruction and feedback in an intimate, supportive environment.
  • Here’s what else we offer: A range of degrees, including BFA in Graphic Design, Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, or combined studio. The combined studio means students can study two studio emphasis areas, either graphics & 绘画 or ceramics & 绘画. 我们还提供 艺术文学士 (a great opportunity for double majors).
  • We also provide an array of financial assistance, highlighted by the 艺术 Talent Scholarship, with an Average award of $6,800. To receive an 艺术 talent scholarship, students should email their digital portfolio to 艺术@0759e.net
  • For even better financial assistance opportunities, the 艺术 Talent Scholarships can now be combined with academic scholarships.
  • Additionally, the Annual Fall & Spring High School 艺术 Showcase Exhibitions include scholarship amounts of up to $1,000 in tandem with our regular talent scholarship. 请电子邮件: 艺术@0759e.net 欲知详情.



Chatham Meade Kemp has taught 绘画 and drawing at William Carey University since 2007.  She received her Masters of Fine 艺术s degree in 绘画 from Indiana University in Bloomington. From early on in life, Chatham's life was centered around making 艺术, traveling to museums, and interacting with 艺术ists. She is the daughter of two fine 艺术ists, James W. Meade who has been an 艺术 faculty member at the University of Southern Mississippi for over 40 years and Myra Meade who taught 艺术 and ceramics to high school students and elementary school students in addition to being an active landscape painter.

查塔姆坎普 enjoys networking and collaborating with other 艺术ists through the Mississippi 艺术 Colony and 菠菜网比较大的平台 Women’s 艺术 collective where she met 艺术ists across the state and surrounding states and has enjoyed having exhibitions with these 艺术ists.  It is her pleasure and privilege both in teaching and 艺术istic production to give back to her native south Mississippi.

Chatham was awarded an 艺术ist fellowship grant as well as mini grants by the Mississippi 艺术s Commission. She hosted an 艺术ist symposium for the Mississippi 艺术s Commission. Her 绘画s were also selected to be a p艺术 of the prestigious Mississippi Invitational at the Mississippi Museum of 艺术 by guest juror Carla Hanzal.  Her work is represented in commercial galleries across the state of Mississippi and the South East. She also exhibits her work at universities in the surrounding region including most recently a National Juried exhibition at the University of Southern Mississippi (juror Bill Scott) as well as a National Invitational at Southeastern University in Hammond, 路易斯安那州.



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WCU names Wes Dykes associate VP of recruitment

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WCU names Brett Golson VP of strategic operations



Scholarship Dinner



夏天 & Fall Registration Day
