Submit a Protocol Application to the IRB

The first step in the IRB approval process is to obtain the necessary training in the protection of human subjects. All faculty, students, and staff who have contact with human research subjects or human subject research data must receive online education.

The education program we use at William Carey University is called CITI Human Subjects Research Educational Program. Directions for CITI registration can be found here.

Although IRB applications can be submitted for review anytime, applications requiring full-board review are to be submitted by the appropriate deadlines to be reviewed by the next IRB meeting.

Please note that even research conducted by students is subject to review.

All applicants will complete one of the following forms:

Applications must be scanned as   one PDF file  and e-mailed to In the subject line of the e-mail, type " IRB application – ‘Applicant Name.’"

It is expected that narrative sections be professionally and clearly written. To this end, please proofread all form entries and attached documents for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and completeness. Attention to these details will facilitate the review of your protocol by the IRB.

The IRB will strive to respond to the PI within 20 business days. This response will either request more information or include electronic notification of the IRB’s decision.